Monday, August 23, 2010

Mockingjay Countdown: Mini Challenge 3 (Day 2)

Mockingjay Countdown: Mini Challenge 3 (Day 2)

Mockingjay Countdown
Remember that if you participate in this mini challenge, you will receive an extra four entries to win the prizes for today

There are always book covers that are similar to another books, or remind you of another book. So for this challenge, I want you guys to choose a book that has a cover that is either very similar to or reminds you of one of these three books: The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins, Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins, or Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins. You need to list the name of the book, the author, which book cover it looks like or reminds you of (The Hunger Games, Catching Fire, or Mockingjay), and why it reminds you or looks like the books. But you can't use any of the other covers for  The Hunger Games like the swedish cover, or the chinese cover-your entry will not count then.

You can either leave a comment below or create your own blog post and leave a link to your entry in the comments below.


SarahEm said...

I Am Number Four by Pittacus Lore reminds me of all of the books in the Hunger Games trilogy just because it's mostly one color with a circular symbol on the cover.

Mrs. DeRaps said...

The cover of the hardback version of If I Stay by Gayle Forman reminds me of Mockingjay. Both are blue and feature a single sort of image. On If I Stay, it's the one bud on the tree, on Mockingjay it's the Mockingjay. Both are hopeful and lonely at the same time.

Bahnree said...

The cover of "The Maze Runner" by James Dashner. W/o reading the book it reminded me of Hunger Games, because the arenas for the hunger games are very like mazes that you have to figure out to survive, and also the image of trees is like the two arenas we've mostly seen, in Hunger Games and Catching Fire.

Anonymous said...

I Am Number Four by Pittacus Lore reminded me a lot about The Hunger Games. I even took out my copy of the book to see the similarities!

Kemendraugh said...

The paperback versions of Ted Dekker's Circle series remind me of all three of these books, but especially when comparing Red and The Hunger Games. it's something about the solid coloured background, the one significant thing emphasized, and the title in BIG important letters!
Though I have to say I like Suzanne Collins' covers better ;)

Brooke said...

The Society of S by Susan Hubbard reminds me of The Hunger Games cover. It is solid black with only an emblem of a dragonfly on it.

Erika said...

I think The Book Thief by Mark Zusak reminds me of The Hunger Games' cover, because the color scheme is sort of similar, and there's an eerie yet adventurous quality to both

Kirthi said...

Steel by Carrie Vaughn! A post here:

My Life With Books - Jennifer K Jovus said...


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