Monday, August 23, 2010

Mockingjay Countdown: Mini Challenge 5 (Day 2)

Mockingjay Countdown: Mini Challenge 5 (Day 2)

Mockingjay Countdown
Remember that if you participate in this mini challenge, you will be given an extra four entries to win the prizes for today.

For the fifth and last challenge of the day (Day 2)-I would like you to tell me if you like the Twilight series by Stephenie Meyer or The Hunger Games series by Suzanne Collins better. This is one of those questions that people have different opinions on, so it will be interesting to see which one you like better. I also want you to explain why you like one series better than the other. And like always, you can comment with your answer below or you can create your own blog post with which series you like better (either Twilight or The Hunger Games) and why, then you can leave a link in the comments below.


Mrs. DeRaps said...

Hands-down, The Hunger Games. Sure, I read the entire Twilight saga, even the Bree Tanner book, but I am obsessed with the Hunger Games. I've taught it. I can't wait to teach it again. The characters and the situations are just so realistic, so thought-provoking. I don't have the same intense relationship with the Twilight books. Maybe it's because I am a huge fan of dystopian lit and like paranormal with a little less fervor? I don't know. But, I do know that I choose Hunger Games!

Bahnree said...

The Hunger Games! I don't like the Twilight series at all; I don't find the romance believable and I hate Bella Swann as a character. I have issues with Katness but I still like her way better, and the love triangle is also more believable considering the dystopian world. I also like Hunger Games better because of the world difference, period. I'm way more interested in dystopias than vampires and werewolves, sparkly or not.

SarahEm said...

I could probably write an article on this subject but I'll keep it short. The Hunger Games is definitely the superior series. Stephenie Meyers Twilight series is just badly written. The characters are annoying and Bella is too dependent upon men (Edward and Jacob). The Hunger Games is just awesome and obviously written by someone who knows what they're doing and has a plot that's actually, well, good.

Anonymous said...

I've read the Twilight Saga. Yes, I was in love with it. No, it is NOT better than THG! They are much better written and Suzanne has a way of making you fit right into the story! I mean I was literally in the arena with Katniss but I was not in Forks with Bella. And the boys! Peeta AND Gale are totally awesome. Both are different yet they just want the best for Katniss. And Katniss! Bella is just too annoying and dependent while Katniss is one of the most independent YA characters I've ever read about! Not to mention that she survived The Hunger Games TWICE! Let Bella try THG and see how long she lasts!

Kemendraugh said...

Hunger Games Hunger Games HUNGER GAMES. I didnt even know there was a competition! Because for me, there isn't!
I don't like Twilight at all. I find it trite and sentimental and corny and unreasonable. And I HATE the two main characters.
Sure, Hunger Games has moments of triteness and corniness and sure, sometimes it can be sentimental too. BUT IT'S JUST NOT THE SAME! *hugs Hunger Games tightly*
it helps not to hate characters, too ^_^

Brooke said...

I like the Hunger Games series better because it is more plausible and because the characters have actual trials that are not self inflicted. Don't get me wrong, the Twilight series sucked me in but I didn't really enjoy them as much.

Erika said...

The Hunger Games, definitely. I like the Twilight series, too, but I just love The Hunger Games. I mean, the heroine is magnificent. She's spunky, independent, she's got personality. Then the love triangle in TGS is better too, in my opinion. But more than that, it's the story. Twilight's great, but The Hunger Games is better. Way, waaay better!

Kirthi said...

The Hunger Games for sure, because it's not ALL about romance, it has delicious romance (PEETA!) but most of all it has a realistic plot and great, developed characters that are much more real and much more likable than grumpy Edward and weak Bella. Twilight it okay, but The Hunger Games will win over any day!

My Life With Books - Jennifer K Jovus said...

Hands down hunger games. Hunger games in a very advanced future of america could happen. There are morals to this story and teaches young people (and adults) that fighting for rights is important, that the day may come when we will be faced to do so. Would we be able to make the sacrifices for freedom that our forefathers made? I like a book that makes you think about life and what you would do in a similar situation.

Twilight while a nice fantasy and romance does not hold a candle to hunger games. Although they are not even similar to one another - its like comparing apples and oranges.

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