Thursday, August 12, 2010

Read Your Own Books Read-a-Thon

Monica at the Bibliophilic Blog is hosting a read-a-thon called Read Your Own Books Read-a-Thon. And it starts tomorrow so if you haven't already signed up, make sure you do so here. This read a thon starts from 9 AM August 13th and ends at 9 AM August 16th.

I have been wanting to reread a lot of books and I just haven't gotten around to doing it. So I decided that for this read a thon, I will be able to reread those books that I have been craving about for a long time. Here are the ones I hope to get read over this three day period:

1. Sloppy Firsts by Megan McCafferty
2. Second Helpings by Megan McCafferty
3. The Body Finder by Kimberly Derting
4. Anne of Green Gables by L.M. Montgomery
5. Anne of Avonlea by L.M. Montgomery
6. Anne of the Island by L.M. Montgomery
7. According to Jane by Marilyn Brandt
8. Forget You by Jennifer Echols
9. The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins
10. Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins

Yes, ten books is my goal and I really hope I get through most of them. Expect updates each day saying what I read and how many hours or minutes I read that day. And if you are apart of this read a thon, make sure you come back tomorrow because I am hosting a mini challenge on my blog and I will be giving away a copy of Firelight by Sophie Jordan.


SarahEm said...

Funsies. I love the Jessica Darling series. I might re-read that one for this read-a-thon as well. The Hunger Games too. Good luck!

Allison said...

great choices...the original Anne trilogy especially! *swoon* I'm pretty much always in the mood to reread those too :)

Christina T said...

Nice variety of books. My favorites are the Hunger Games and Catching Fire. Hope you enjoy them and meet your reading goals.

Morgan said...

Thank you everyone. I hope I meet my goals too and I hope that you all do really good too.

Unknown said...

Good luck with everything you've planned to read during the weekend! :-) I'm still trying to decide what to choose..

Ooh, I've been yearning for Firelight for soo long. It sounds such a fantastic story. Did you like it?

Lydia said...

Oh! That's some fantastic reading you have. I recently re-read Anne of Green Gables and loved experiencing it again.

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